KPP - IPB Baranangsiang III, Blok H No 14, BOGOR KOTA 16127, INDONESIA


We unite hand in hand, in cohesion to FOSTER UNITY with Academics, Field experts, Farmers, Entrepreuners, Goverment, Coconut Communities - Organizations and all stakeholders involved in the comprehensive activities related to the coconut industry, whilst maintaining a healthy environment, farmer welfare, sustainability, and strong competitiveness in rebuilding THE GLORY OF THE INDONESIAN COCONUT INDUSTRY.


Endless Potential

Our Mission

The Roemah Kelapa Indonesia, as a social entrepreneurship initiative, can be defined as a movement aimed at effecting social change within the coconut community, through responsible business practices that generate sustainable impact. Thus, the business’s objectives extend beyond mere profit generation, encompassing a commitment to fostering positive outcomes.


Who are we?

About us

At Roemah Kelapa Indonesia, we unite hand in hand, in cohesion to FOSTER UNITY with all stakeholders involved in the comprehensive activities related to the coconut industry, whilst maintaining a healthy environment, farmer welfare, sustainability, and strong competitiveness in rebuilding THE GLORY OF THE INDONESIAN COCONUT INDUSTRY.

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Originally from a Coconut Farmer family in Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatra. A Coconut and Environmental Advocate. Actively involved as a Marketing Director in the Indonesian Coconut Council (DEKINDO), and previously affiliated with the Indonesian Coconut Farmers Association (PERPEKINDO). Completed education at Paul Ehrlich Schule Frankfurt, Germany, and subsequently worked in the Pharmaceutical Industry at Hoechst Germany. Returned to Indonesia in 1997 and served as Assistant Director of Technical Management at Hoechst Indonesia.



Educational background includes primary, secondary, and high school education in Jakarta. Earned a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Product Technology from the Bogor Agricultural University (1975). Completed a Master’s degree in Food Science from the Bogor Agricultural University (1979). Achieved a Doctorate in Food Science from the Bogor Agricultural University (1991). Affiliations include positions as a Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, Halal Science Center, Academic Senate, and Board of Trustees (Bogor Agricultural University), as well as roles as a Halal Auditor, Board of Advisors (LPPOM MUI), PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor, and National Drinking Water Customer Forum.


Obtained an M.Eng degree from Osaka University, Japan (1990) and a PhD from Kent University, England (1996). Currently serving as the Vice Rector for Research and Cooperation at IPB since 2008, tasked with initiating and coordinating various university collaborations in the fields of education and research with higher education and research institutions. Previously served as a member and chairman of the Food Security Cluster at the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education (2009-2010), and as a member of the Industry Development Program Assessment Board (2006-2009).

coconut as raw material

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

coconut as products and its derivates

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

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Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

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Roemah Kelapa Indonesia KPP - IPB Jl. Baranangsiang III Blok H No, 14 BOGOR KOTA 16127 INDONESIA

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Roemah Kelapa Indonesia serves as a platform for the dissemination of all knowledge and research findings from universities, especially academics at AGRIN IPB, to be implemented in the field. It also acts as a gathering place for coconut enthusiasts and all stakeholders in the coconut industry to build cooperative relationships, capacity building, promotion, marketing-trading, and other related coconut activities.


Enhancing the welfare of FARMERS, fostering a generation of outstanding FARMERS, modernizing Agriculture and Industry to produce high-quality, sustainable, and competitively positioned products for the present and future success of the Indonesian coconut industry, while actively contributing to the preservation of Indonesian Food Sovereignty.



The mission of Roemah Kelapa Indonesia is to establish a strong, cohesive, and unified collaboration with Coconut Enthusiasts and all related stakeholders concerning:

– Facilitating and directing the establishment of cooperative relationships between Coconut Farmers and Industrial stakeholders. 

– Initiating the formation of the Indonesian Coconut Core Team comprising representatives from all Associations and Experts in the Indonesian Coconut industry to develop an integrated modern model for coconut farming to processing industry. 

– Providing Training and Mentorship for sustainable improvement of coconut plantation yields while maintaining a healthy environment. – – – Conducting Capacity Building activities for Farmers, SMEs, Export-oriented SMEs, Industry Players, and other relevant Coconut enthusiasts. – – Organizing and/or providing Training/Seminars to obtain certification for coconut products or processing processes as required.


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